
BERA Bodybuilding Club (BBC)


Revised August 2011


The Club shall be known as the BERA Bodybuilding Club (BBC).


The purpose of the Club shall be to:

  1. Promote fitness and health with correct muscle development techniques, emphasizing safety.
  2. Exchange information, such as new techniques, correct usage, and workout routines.
  3. Support its members while getting the best possible workout pertaining to their specific goal (toning, bodybuilding, weight loss, etc.) using the weight room equipment.


The Club shall be open to all BERA Members and their immediate families who are over the age of 18. Additionally DOE employees, laboratory guests and visitors over 18 years of age are also welcome to join.

The right to run for the Board or vote on amendments to this Constitution and its Bylaws, and on the election of Club Officers, is reserved for current, full-time, dues-paying members.


Annual membership dues will traditionally be solicited during January of each year. Members who have not paid their annual Club dues by January 31st will have their weight room access rescinded until their dues are paid for the current year. New members pay their dues upon joining, and then start paying annually the following January. All personnel using the weight room in building 461 for more than a single day are required to pay membership dues.


A general membership meeting will be held each once a year.

Executive Board Meetings will be called as needed by the Club President.


The Officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These four Officers are the primary decision making body for the BBC. The Executive Board, hereafter referred to as the Board, will consist of these four officers.

Candidates must be full-time BNL employees.  No retirees, contractors, or guests.

At the request of the Board, additional BBC positions may be filled from the current membership. These positions will be short term (less than three months) and for specific purposes. These short-term positions may be renewed as needed by the Board; however aside for specific assignments these positions have no additional rights or privileges beyond that of the general membership.

Officers shall be elected to a term of two years, and may be re-elected.

General description of Board Officer duties:

President – The President shall preside at all meetings of the club; shall be an ex-officio member of all BBC committees; shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and generally function as the Club’s chief executive in all duties incidental to the office.

Vice President – In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall exercise all of the functions of the President, and be vested with all the President’s rights, responsibilities, accountabilities and authorities.

Treasurer – The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the Club, and shall conduct its banking business, and audit all accounts. Checks drawn shall be signed by the Treasurer; or in special circumstances may be signed by any of the other Club Officers. The entire Executive Board is financially responsible to the Treasurer. The Treasurer is financially responsible and accountable to the Club membership.

Secretary – The Secretary shall have charge of all Club documentation, correspondence, postings, preparing such reports and records as are necessary to document the business affairs of the Club, in an orderly and business-like manner.


New officers will commence their term at the start of the calendar year after the General Membership Meeting, in which they are elected.

At the discretion of the Board, a current member of the Club may be appointed to a vacated seat on the Board. That appointment would be contingent upon a validation vote at the next general membership meeting.

Club members wishing to serve on the Executive Board shall submit their names to the current secretary a minimum of two months before elections, which will be held during the General Membership meeting. A simple majority vote is required to be elected. Votes will be accepted by either e-mail to a third party (someone in BERA) or private paper vote at the meeting.

If Executive Board members/candidates run unopposed, a simple Vote of Confidence (verbal or show of hands) by the membership present at the General Membership Meeting will meet requirements of this Article.

Officers and other BBC short-term positions may be removed from office by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board. Rationale for removal and vote outcome must be documented in the Board minutes.


The Board will form special committees as the need arises. At least one member of the Executive Board will participate in these Ad Hoc committees. The President shall appoint committee chairmen as the need arises, subject to majority approval of the Executive Board.


The Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of those active members who are present at the annual General Membership meeting. No Amendment shall be voted upon without two (2) weeks notice, in writing, by e-mail or by posting at the gym to the entire paid membership.  Amendments and/or revisions to BBC Bylaws and Constitution will become policy one month after posting to entire membership.