CW Interest Group
CW or Continuous Wave is an electromagnetic wave of constant amplitude and frequency. It is also used interchangeably with Morse Code by many HAMS.
The original amateur radio operators used Morse code exclusively, since voice-capable radio transmitters did not become commonly available until around 1920. Until 2003 the International Telecommunication Union mandated Morse code proficiency as part of the amateur radio licensing procedure worldwide. However, the World Radio Communication Conference of 2003 made the Morse code requirement for amateur radio licensing optional.
While Morse code is no longer required to pass any Amateur Radio FCC Exam, it still plays a vital role in communications and the CW segments of the band are still very active.
Morse Code Classes
Thanks to the efforts of Nick KF2P and Gary KE2YK, a significant portion of our club is now engaged in learning Morse Code. It is taught as a language rather than just dots and dashes.
The Classes meet twice a week during lunchtime in the building 923 conference room. Once everyone is up to speed on sending and copying code, classes will migrate to the shake for on the air fun.
QRP Kit Building
One club favorite is the Rockmite Kit from The kits are available in 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, and 80 meters, although most members have settled on 40 meters as the de facto club standard since all license holders can communicate on band in CW.
International Morse Code