Instructions for subscribing and un-subscribing from the BNL Rifle and Pistol Club email lists
The club maintains three email reflector lists to facilitate communication among the members on a timely basis. You must be a club member and work at Brookhaven National Laboratory to join a list. All club members who supply an email address on their application are automatically subscribed to the GUNCLUB-L list. The other two are voluntary.
How it works
Anyone who is subscribed to a list can send and receive email from that list. Anything you send to a list is resent by the server to all the people subscribed to that list. Likewise, anything anyone else sends to a list is reflected out to everyone else including you. If desired, you must subscribe to the other two lists once and thereafter you will receive email at the address you subscribed from.
How to Subscribe
To subscribe to any Rifle and Pistol Club list go to this address:
This page has links to all the mailman lists available at BNL. The three Rifle and Pistol club lists are called SHOTGUN-L, PISTOL-L and GUNCLUB-L. Remember that all people supplying an email address on their application are automatically subscribed to the GUNCLUB-L list. Click on the list of interest and you will be walked through the process. The GUNCLUB-L list is for club-wide announcements. The others are for the particular disciplines only.
What to expect:
Shortly after sending the message your request will be submitted to the list manager for approval. You may be contacted by the manager to find out who you are and why you wish to join the list. After manager approval you should receive a reply welcoming you to the list and explaining how the list works. You will then start receiving mail any time someone on the list sends out a message. If you ever want to un-subscribe from a list just go back to the link above.