This organization shall be known as the “BNL Car Club”
ARTICLE II – Purpose
The purpose of this club is to gather together vehicle enthusiasts for the purpose of motor vehicle (car/truck) appreciation and knowledge-sharing on all aspects of ownership, operation and maintenance of personal vehicles. Motor vehicle safety, as it pertains to motor vehicle operation both on and off BNL property, will be emphasized.
ARTICLE III – Membership
Membership in the club will be open to all BNL Employees (and their families and sponsored guests) and Guest Employees.
ARTICLE IV – Duties of Officers
- President – It shall be the duty of the President to take command of the club and enforce any and laws and regulations of the club. The President shall also be responsible for ensuring that all club activities are compliant with BNL policies.
- 1st Vice President – It shall be the duty of the 1st Vice President to assist the President in the discharge of all duties and, in his/her absence, act as President.
- 2nd Vice President – It shall be the duty of the 2nd Vice President to assist the President and 1st Vice President in the discharge of all duties and, in their absence, act as President.
ARTICLE V – Appointment and Discharge of Officers
Club officers must be full time lab Employees. Beginning with the founding club members (the first President and Vice Presidents), appointments will remain in effect until such individuals voluntarily resign from their position or involuntarily resign from their position pursuant to being discharged as full time lab employees or otherwise determined to be discharged from the club officer position by the BERA Board. In the event of a club officer being resigned from their position, the remaining club officer(s) will appoint an individual in their place.
ARTICLE VI – Dues and Meetings
Due to the nature of this club, there is no current need for dues or official meetings. Because of this, there is also no need for a Treasurer or Secretary. Should the need for these things arise in the future, a restructuring of the bylaws will produced by the current officers with the approval of the BERA Board.
ARTICLE VII – Discipline
All members (and their families and guests) will be required to comply with the New York State Vehicle & Traffic Laws while on BNL property and while engaged in any club activity off site. Any member or guest who is found to be in violation of this rule may be counseled, suspended from, or removed from the club as to be determined by the club officers in consultation with the BERA Recreation Supervisor.